- Controls -

Walking - [A / Left Arrow / Left D-Pad] for left movement, [D / Right Arrow / Right D-Pad] for right movement

Jumping - [W / Up Arrow / Space Bar / PS (X) / Switch (B)]

Pausing - [Esc / P / PS (Start) / PS (Options) / Switch (+)]

Instant restarting [R / PS (Select) / PS (Share) / Switch (-)]

Fullscreen (PC builds only) - [F11]

- Premise -

Trid (the pile of dirt you play as) has always been lacking in moisture, making them ridiculed among other piles of dirt. So as a way to prove themself, Trid has learned about the perfect moisture the storm rocks provides. Two problems...

1. It's illegal to steal them

2. They're rumoured to cause devastating floods after collecting them

However that doesn't deter our goofy dirt pile from trying to get them! Now they just need your help.

- Credits -

Game, code, audio and visuals by popsicle_guy

Font (Tiny5) by Gissio, Simon Cozens and mressl

Inspired by Pizza Tower and Warioland

Game made for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2

Game made using SonicMastr's version of Godot 3.5 rc5


Ported to Switch using Stary2001's version of Godot 3.5.1


- Fun little note -

I finally made the music myself for once instead of taking it from others! :D

Feel free to use it for anything, just credit me


FloodN'DashWindows.zip 16 MB
FloodN'DashLinux.zip 17 MB
FloodN'DashPSVita.vpk 19 MB
FloodN'DashSwitch.zip 18 MB
FloodNDashProjectFiles.zip 4 MB
FloodNDashOST.zip 33 MB

Install instructions

Windows - Unpack .zip file and keep the .exe and .pck files in the same folder

Linux - Similar to Windows

PS Vita (Requires HENkaku) - Put .vpk onto system memory in a place where you're going to remember and install it through VitaShell

Nintendo Switch (Requires Atmosphere) - Unpack .zip file, place the .nro file into the 'switch' folder of your SD card and to run it, hold 'R' while launching a 'proper' home menu game to access the hbmenu and run the game through there

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